Postmortem - Nicole Polidore


The character design was really well thought out and executed. I think that the character definitely brought the game to life with the animations as well. Another thing that was successful in this game was the concept of it. Having the concept of kids trying to cope and escape from their alcoholic mother allowed us to make the game more interesting to play. From the playtest, I was also happy with their reaction of the enemies. Especially the couch enemy, it scared a lot of the players which is exactly what we wanted. I felt like the cohesiveness of the environment and the characters were going to contrast a lot because You Jin drew characters while I drew the environment, but our two styles still worked great with each other. 


There are a lot of bugs in the game. First, I think due to the complexity of the code in our game and not fully understanding layers, made our game buggy. So, the enemies wouldn’t impact the players’ health in any way, the obstacles weren’t interacting the way we had planned and a lot of the code wasn’t efficient enough to make enemies and players work well with each other. With a complex player code, the animations didn’t work as planned. Some just didn’t play at all, making the player like the knight, not be able to fight which was the whole point of that character. Furthermore, the camera made the players very confused. If someone walked further away from everyone else, it would pan out but if they were all close it would zoom in. Which is fine, but when everyone is trying to move around and fight enemies, the camera makes it confusing and frustrating to watch. 

Next Steps:

I would definitely fix the bugs and organize the layers in this game. This is so the players and the enemies will finally be able to interact with each other and the players can fight them. Also, I would want to create more levels, puzzles and to draw more assets in each level. I felt as if the levels looked bland and were too big of a space to play in so I would want to make the environment more detailed to suggest the household is neglected. Furthermore, I would like to make the story more direct instead of a hidden message. It would probably be more direct if we added dialogue in the game. Adding more sounds, music, and UI feedback would also be an important step to take to make the game more juicy and visually appealing to the player. 

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